About the Geek

The name’s Davis–Allegra Davis. I’m a teen writer and the author of various and sundry stories, poems, and bits of flash fiction; a piece of macabre fiction of mine has appeared in Black Lantern Publishing. I’m currently sort-of editing my first novel while planning on starting a new one for NaNoWriMo. On August 12, 2011, my post“America’s Next Top Author (and other fantasy programs for book lovers)” (originally on my previous blog, Here’s To Us) was featured on WordPress.com’s homepage as Freshly Pressed. If you must know, I live in the United States. I tweet @ThatAllegraD.

If, for some reason unknown to mankind, you want to know more about me as a person, you might wish to read on. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Things I like include Homestuck, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Doctor Who, Tim Burton films, The Avengers, Keeping Up Appearances, BBC Sherlock, Edgar Allan Poe, ghostgirl, The Catcher in the Rye, art, playing piano,  Florence + The Machine, Marina and the Diamonds, Mumford & Sons, Panic! at the Disco,  ten jillion other music artists, Edward Gorey, Downton Abbey, corvids, apple juice, chess, Scrabble, Trivial Pursuit, trivia in general, the Beka Cooper series, books in general, British culture, Latin, history, dancing, aquatic sports, cemeteries, going for walks in the woods, mythology, Chapstick, quoting things, coffee, tea, chocolate, Vlogbrothers, Victorian fashion, zombies, teen author success stories, random creepy stuff, fairy tales, Nutella, the Newport Mansions, hipster glasses, Prismacolor pencils, Smosh, steampunk, Skullcandy headphones, sarcasm, Shakespeare, fangirling with my girl friends, dorking out with my guy friends, Doc Martens, fancy leather bookmarks, coveting stuff on Etsy, dragons, Union Jacks, cacti, iTunes gift cards, eating, putting on completely ridiculous makeup, Sharpies, braids, biscotti, writing bad rhyming poetry for the heck of it, museums, concerts, plays, reading fashion magazines so I’m certain not to wear anything that’s in style, snail mail, black cats, autumn, winter, cheese, philately, garden gnomes, archaic and/or long words, typography, Calvin and Hobbes, traveling, rivers and bridges, walking through really fancy shops and pretending to be actually considering buying something, hair detangler, stripy socks, sausage and apples, astrology, Scottish plaids, messenger bags, Stonehenge, antique cars, embellished journals, real fireplaces, and LOTS of other stuff.

28 responses to “About the Geek

  1. Very Cool Blog Allegra, I have been reading and enjoying and will be back! Like you, our family are confirmed lovers of the physical old fashioned printed word, hard cover, soft cover, doesn’t matter and to be honest I don’t think that the magic and comfort of a storybook in bed with the kids cuddled around can easily be replaced by “ebook” or Kindle. ( well not in our house at least) Well done on some excellent writing!
    p.s. We don’t just love wind power we adore it! More on that in my blog soonest!

  2. Pingback: Bloggity, blog blog « World of Information

  3. Hello My name is Jacqueline and I’m from Canada. I have commented on your blog before but I didn’t introduce my self. I would just like to say that I have a pet named Hermione but mine is a cat. I also have a few questions that I ask you to reply to on my blog at http://jacqueline110gs.edublogs.org. My first question is how did you get the fact of the month and quote of the month widgets? My next question is, what is your Here’s To Us button for and you said to click on it and I clicked on it and nothing happened? My final question is, what is the weekly geeks and all the other directories for? Please answer every question you can.
    Thanks Jacqueline!

  4. Hey Allegra, I was wondering how you got your button that says your blog name on it? I would really like to get one for my own blog. By the way I’m up for the best student blog award for the edublog awards and if you would like you can vote for me at this link http://edublogawards.com/2010awards/best-student-edublog-2010/.
    Please answer my question on my blog at http://jacqueline110gs.edublogs.org.

    Thanks Jacqueline!

  5. I’m impressed how many books you have read. Working with young teenagers I see students everyday that don’t read or even care about it. Keep it up. Cool site.

  6. Your bunny, how precious! Keep up the good work.

  7. Hi! I have a blog I just started this week and I was just wondering how you got your blog to be so big! I would greatly appreciate it if you replied! Thank you!

  8. Good job Allegra. I am sure you will go far.

  9. I arrived here via your Freshly Pressed post, and I am surprised to learn that you are a teenager writing a novel. Good for you!
    Speaking of reality programming, I recommend watching “What Not To Wear” to help you with your fashion education.

  10. Sweet blog! Congrats on your success!
    I’m a teen, too, so seeing how successful you are now is inspirational! I hope I’ll read your novel in print (and not on an ebook) sometime 😀

  11. Loved the “America’s next top author” blog. True genius! 😀 I too love too read and as a teen i find your blog and the fact that your writing a novel very inspirational! Can’t wait to read it!! Will be back to check out future posts, (also its nice to see that there are other sane people in the world who are against the literature technology uprising, paper back and hardcover still the way to go!! :D)

  12. Rargh! I love your blog (have I said that yet?) but as you said you’d never seen Doctor Who, I thought I should help you before this dreaded disease spreads any further.

    Here is the cure: http://www.itsbloggerintime.com/2011/08/never-seen-doctor-who-heres-what-you.html 777 episodes (once you get past the black and white it’s much better) in just over 5 minutes, and I think it’s worth it.

    In return, I’ll check out those books some time! 😀

  13. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Awards « The Incessant Droning of a Bored Writer

  14. Pingback: The Versatile Blogger Awards | Eat, Sleep, Write, Repeat

  15. Awesome. 😀 We’ve got a couple things in common. Who’s your favourite Avenger?

    • Black Widow, definitely!

      • Yes! Girl power! I love her in the movie, and my friend is absolutely CONVINCED that she and Hawkeye will end up together. I’ve told her about how it goes in the comics, and she was like “Noo!”. After she went and told me every single moment between her and Hawkeye.

      • Haha, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t ship Clintasha even a little bit. I’m just getting into Marvel and haven’t read the original comics (blasphemy, I know).

      • OMG, I do the same! Except for like, reproductions of Spiderman my grandma gave me. Me, I ship Captain America and Black Widow (for the most part). Only because their son, James (they have a son! Did you know that?) is totally awesome. But is it just me or does Cap seem a bit stiff in all the animated stuff he’s in?
        Oh, and do you like DC Comics?

      • No, I didn’t know that! I’m a total newbie to the world of comics. But I can agree that Cap always seems rather stiff.
        I’m not into DC, no.

      • Oh, then I’d recommend reading stuff like Wikipedia to get a summary of everything (which is a lot, because it started in like, the 30s officially but everyone came in the 60s). What other comic book characters do you like?

  16. By the way, is it alright if I mention you on my blog as one the author of a blog that inspired me?

  17. Very cool blog, we like loads of the same things too!!! 😀

  18. And I thought I was rambling in my ‘about me’ page… Very nice!

  19. Hello! I just met you. At least, I’ve read some of your blog. So here’s an award!
    here are the details:

    I’ve Gotten My Very First Award

  20. Pssst.




    Good. I think I’ve gotten your attention now. If not, then I’ll pelt some invisible teddy bears at you as soon as I finish typing this.


    I had to pick an ancient post in case of a certain Head Phil loitering around, so I hope he doesn’t see this comment. (I also hope you receive email notifications when comments arrive, or else I’m doomed.)

    Would you care to join the email chain where several bloggers, including myself, are writing a short story to commemorate a certain Bach (or is it Beethoven?) loving person’s 600+ follower count?

    If so, I’d need your email. Fear not, I’m not asking you to post it here. Just shoot an email to: seana.j.vixen@gmail.com
    if you’d like to join in on the fun.

    – Seana

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